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Share the Boardable Love!

Has Boardable changed the way your nonprofit organization operates?

Diverse corporate team working together in modern meeting room office.

Empower Your Connections

Do you know of nonprofit organizations struggling with the chaos of board management & document storage? Introduce them to Boardable and witness their transition from friction to focused.

Mutual Benefits

By referring a friend to Boardable, you’re not only assisting their organization but also benefiting yourself. Both you and your friend will receive a $100 gift card of your choice as a token of appreciation. It’s a win-win for everyone!

Important Details

  • Your referred friend must be located in the United States or Canada.
  • Your referred friend must have the purchasing power to decide on using Boardable.
  • Following a consultation with a Boardable team member, both you and your friend will receive a $50 gift card.

Ready to help other nonprofit organizations do more for their mission too? Start by recommending Boardable today!