
How Boards of Education are Tackling Today’s Problems

Boards of education are committees that determine the educational policies of regional school districts. They set performance standards and meet with other elected officials to decide on the best course of action for benefiting students, teachers, and administrators. Boards play a critical role in the success…


Best Practices for Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofit boards play an essential role in the success and achievements of an organization. If you are part of a nonprofit board committee, you might have a general idea of the roles and responsibilities that nonprofit organizations and boards hold. While ensuring that your board is the best version of…


Boardable’s Commitment to Innovation

At Boardable, bringing teams together, wherever they are, is [why we do] what we do. This mission is what continues to energize our team and drive innovation of our product.


Why Board Meeting Agendas Are So Important

As a board committee member, you may be familiar with the regular procedures of board meetings. However, many board members do not recognize the importance of board meeting agendas and why having a comprehensive agenda before each session leads to a more efficient gathering. Board meeting…


How To Run The Best Hybrid Meetings

Hybrid meetings have come a way of life now. Most organizations are permanently adopting some combination of remote and on-site work even as pandemic restrictions are lifted. This flexible way of working involves some team members physically in the office while others work from home or…


Realtor Associations + Meeting Management

Realtor associations are groups of realtors that have come together to lobby for shared interests and to improve real estate in general. There are many different associations in the United States and around the world. For example, the California Association of Realtors is a nonprofit that provides critical business services…


Fundraising Ideas for Nonprofits

Especially in times of economic hardship, money is a high-priority topic for nonprofit leaders. Nonprofit fundraising is challenging. You have built and managed many successful programs, but those programs will fail without the fundraising they need. Sometimes the mission of the organization can be so crucial to volunteers and team…


Committee Management: Roles & Responsibilities for Successful Leadership

Committee management benefits the function of the committee and the board as a whole. Well-managed committees are informed of meeting agendas well in advance so that they come prepared to the meeting, having read the previous meeting’s minutes, and are ready to discuss the agenda items. They also remain focused…


How To Take Effective Board Meeting Minutes

When a board gathers to take action and push ahead for the good of an organization, the record of those actions must be well-kept and accessible. Taking minutes is a common part of most board meeting procedures. Although taking, keeping, and reading board meeting minutes may seem like a dull…

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