How Encamp Software Streamlined Virtual Operations

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Case Studies






Indianapolis, IN

Encamp exists because they believe environmental compliance is harder than it needs to be. Companies that use Encamp Compliance software will be better stewards of the environment and achieve positive business outcomes with more efficient operations. Their software allows EHS professionals to devote their time to EHS performance, not paperwork.


Encamp was founded by two brothers, Luke, and Sam Jacobs, on a backpacking trip to the Havasupai waterfalls. As they hiked the brothers talked about the importance of sustainability and ways to improve the work of environmental compliance professionals. Today over 200 organizations of all shapes and sizes rely on Encamp’s software.

The platform helps expedite environmental compliance for Environmental, Health, and Safety managers, consultants, and environmental scientists through its management and reporting system. When Alia McCord started working there, she brought even more cost and environmental efficiency to Encamp by introducing them to Boardable.


Alia learned about Boardable at her former job, where compiling board books took time and resources that were not only inefficient but expensive – sometimes costing up to $3,000 per meeting: “It was just such a waste – so much wasted time and so much wasted money.” When Alia heard about Boardable, she found that she could save both time and money, and the savings would be substantial: “It seemed like a great fit. It was very cost-efficient, so we looked into it, and it worked really well.” When Alia came on at Encamp, she wanted to keep that same cost and labor effectiveness.

We need to get Boardable. I used it in my last company. It was incredible.

– Alia McCord, Executive Assistant at Encamp


During the COVID-19 pandemic, Encamp became a totally remote company with no physical offices, making their board meetings fully virtual. Because of the online nature of the company, Encamp used Boardable as a central repository for their board documentation, calendars, reminders, and other materials. Especially with employees and board members being in different locations, using Boardable meant that no one was left out.

It’s nice just to have a central repository where everyone goes to get their information. It’s standard for anyone no matter where you are. So it’s not some people in one location getting physical board binders with people elsewhere having to get them online.

– Alia McCord, Executive Assistant at Encamp

Today’s Operations

As with other startups, Encamp’s board has seen changes as rounds of fundraising have succeeded in helping them expand. One of Alia’s favorite features of Boardable is how easy it is to add board members. With Boardable, there has been no need to hire contract workers or IT specialists just to add or remove members of their board team or to teach them how to use the system: “It was nice that I could just do it myself. . . If I can just eliminate three steps and do it myself in five minutes versus having to call and be on hold for twenty minutes or discuss it with someone, it’s just a lot easier.”

Additionally, new board members can easily learn all they need to know about the historical proceedings of the company by using Boardable as a resource: “Some of our board members, who have been on the board for a while, have on occasion asked me where to find a board deck from a prior meeting. So it’s nice to be able to say, ‘Here’s a copy, but also, if you need it in the future, it’s easily accessible right here.’ That way, they don’t have to go to a middleman – they can find it themselves.” And with some people being on multiple companies’ boards that also use Boardable, they can access agendas, calendars, and documents for all their boards on one platform.  

As a result of using Boardable, Encamp has been able to streamline work for board members. With the environmental benefits of online agendas, board documents, calendars, and much more Encamp found a way to live its mission and save money with Boardable.

Boardable Features Used In This Case Study

Document center icon

Document Center

View all your files in one, secure place. No need to dig through email attachments.

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Boardable Spotlight

Schedule your most productive mission-critical meetings ever, wherever you are.

clipboard icon

Agenda Builder

Start with a customizable template and easily share with your team.

We Bring Boards Together

Take the first steps in organizing your board, transitioning to paperless, and utilizing tools to plan meetings and collaborate remotely.

Solutions for
Board Members

We know that what happens after a meeting is also critical. Keep post-meeting momentum going with a centralized hub your team can access before, during, and after meetings to promote autonomy and collaboration.

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