
The Sounding Board 🔊 Finding Your Next Board Member feat. theBoardlist

Recruiting and onboarding top board talent is not an easy feat. Find out how The BoardList solved for this and now helps 1000s of board leaders save time and streamline the process.

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Find Your Next Board Member

The fine art of board member recruitment and onboarding are complex. Your organization needs a board recruitment strategy that identifies new candidates every year, all year long, often times when bandwidth is limited. Planning ahead ensures you recruit and develop the board members you need, not the ones you find at the last minute.

Join host Ryan Dougal, Director of Partnerships at Boardable, and guest Megan Wang, COO of theBoardlist, as they break down finding and onboarding the best board talent possible for your organization.

What you will learn:

➡️ What to look for when recruiting nonprofit vs for-profit board members
➡️ Board diversity best practices
➡️ How to attract top talent to your board
➡️ How to leverage technology to bring your new board members into the fold of the organization in the most effective manner

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board member recruitment

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