How to Be a Great Board Member: 5 Thoughtful Ways to Elevate Your Impact

Jenni Burton's portrait Jenni Burton


Over the past few years, I’ve had the honor of serving on several nonprofit boards. I’m currently involved in two. Each experience has been different, but all have been incredibly rewarding. They’ve brought me both joy and personal fulfillment. Most importantly, they’ve taught me how to be a great board member.

I’ve come to realize that being a great board member goes beyond simply attending meetings (though that’s definitely a solid start). It’s about engagement, thoughtfulness, and a genuine commitment to helping the organization thrive.

Whether you’re just beginning your journey in board service or have been doing it for years, I’d love to share five things I’ve found valuable in my own experience.

1. Embrace the Mission

To me, the most impactful board members are those who really connect with the organization’s mission. Understanding the nonprofit’s values, vision, and long-term goals is crucial. Depending on the organization, this might mean getting out there and seeing the work firsthand or spending time with the community it serves. You’ll likely need to take some of this on yourself—so dive in, meet people, and learn as much as you can.

2. Be Prepared and Informed

Before meetings, I always try to make sure I’m prepared. It helps to review the materials in advance and get familiar with the key issues, which leads to more thoughtful discussions and better decisions. I find that when I’m prepared, I’m more present and can contribute meaningfully.

Tip: If your meetings are in person, plan ahead so you arrive on time, or if they’re virtual, double-check the tech and hop on a few minutes early. Little details like this can make a big difference!

3. Engage in Strategic Thinking

It can be easy to get pulled into the day-to-day, especially when you’re passionate about the cause. But I’ve found that the board’s role is really to focus on the big picture—guiding the organization’s future. Keeping our conversations centered on long-term goals, sustainability, and innovation has helped ensure that we stay on course for growth. Oftentimes, committee work is where I do get the chance to roll up my sleeves and do more planning and specifics around fundraising and events.

4. Offer Support Beyond Meetings

Being a board member extends beyond just attending meetings. I’ve found a lot of fulfillment in supporting the organizations I work with by advocating for them in my community, introducing new connections, and sharing the causes with my network. Whether it’s fundraising or offering expertise, there’s often a lot we can do outside of the boardroom. Sometimes this looks like a simple text to the CEO or other staff members that you can cheering for them.

Tip: Think about how you can use your personal and professional network to open doors for the nonprofit—every bit of support helps.

5. Build Relationships with the Staff and Board

Great boards thrive on strong relationships. It’s so valuable to take time to get to know your fellow board members and the staff on a personal level. Whether it’s over coffee or a shared meal, these connections help foster respect and collaboration.

In meetings, I’ve been working on listening more and making sure everyone’s voice is heard. Sometimes that means stepping back when I’m not as knowledgeable about a topic and leaning in where I can add more value. This balance is key to being part of a great team.

These are just a few lessons I’ve learned that have helped me grow as a board member. I hope they resonate with you as well!

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