Leveraging Data for Better Decision-Making in Nonprofits

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As the Director of Business Operations at Boardable, a former nonprofit employee, and a nonprofit member, I’ve seen firsthand how critical good data is for making smarter decisions. Outside of work, I’m also a mom to three kids—which means my life is a constant balancing act of managing chaos, finding efficiencies, and running on diet coke (and the occasional glass of red wine).

Whether I’m wrangling toddlers or strategizing how to streamline Boardable’s internal operations, one thing remains true: having the right information at the right time makes all the difference.

Now, if there’s one thing parenting has taught me, it’s that you can’t wing it—at least not for long. When our family grew from one to three overnight, we were suddenly challenged with a new reality: getting a solid bedtime routine in place. We tried everything: adjusting the bedtime, swapping who handled what, and experimenting with every trick in the book. Some nights were great, but others? Let’s just say it was chaos. So, we started treating bedtime like an A/B test. What worked? What didn’t? Once we tracked the patterns, we finally hit on a routine that got everyone to sleep (most of the time).

Consistent Data is the Key for Nonprofit Success

The same mindset should apply to nonprofits and businesses everywhere. Data-driven decision-making isn’t just about having fancy software (although I do recommend Boardable as the answer for managing and engaging your board!). It’s about consistently gathering information and adjusting strategies based on what works. Just like bedtime, nonprofit leaders can’t afford to rely on gut instinct alone. You need data to make informed choices, whether it’s about allocating resources, engaging your community, or measuring impact.

But here’s where many nonprofits stumble: they either collect data inconsistently or, even worse, don’t use it at all. It’s like trying to teach your toddler a new routine. If you’re not consistently modeling what bedtime looks like—bath time, brushing teeth, reading a book, lights out—the whole routine falls apart. One night of skipping the routine, and suddenly, you’re back to battles. It’s the same with data: gathering it sporadically or not using it to inform decisions leaves your nonprofit stuck in the same patterns, without any real progress.

How to Collect the Right Data to Drive Nonprofit Decisions

So, how do you collect the right data for your nonprofit organization? Here are a few strategies:

  • Use standardized responses: Instead of open-ended questions in your surveys, consider using drop-down menus that collect standardized responses. This helps you compare answers and see trends more easily.
  • Don’t waste questions: When building surveys, avoid asking questions you already know the answers to (like someone’s role or address). Use your limited survey real estate for hard-hitting questions that will truly drive insights.
  • Simplify your data collection: Focus on a few key metrics that matter most for your mission. Whether it’s tracking donor engagement, volunteer hours, or program outcomes, narrow your data focus to what’s actionable, not just what’s interesting.

How to Effectively Use Data for Your Nonprofit Decision-Making

Once you’ve refined your data collection practices, the next step is ensuring that you’re actually using that data effectively. Gathering information is just the start—knowing how to interpret and act on it is where the magic happens. To assess whether your nonprofit is truly data-driven, here are a few questions to consider:

  • Are we consistently collecting information for data-driven decision making?
  • Is our data accurate and up-to-date, or are we making decisions based on outdated info?
  • Are we using this data to guide our decisions, or are we still relying on gut feelings?

If these questions give you pause, it might be time to revisit your approach. Just like bedtime routines, data-driven decision making takes practice, but when you get it right, it can transform how your nonprofit operates and the impact you’re able to make.

Cheers to better data—and for the parents out there, better sleep!

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