Board Packet

Create with One Click After you’ve created your meeting agenda with important documents attached, bundling them into an accessible board packet is just a click away. Save time, effort, and printing costs in organizing and distributing board packets. Prepare in Advance Help meeting prep go as smoothly as possible.


Task Manager

Increase Personal Accountability Each board member can view their assigned tasks and due dates from their personal dashboard or mobile app, making it easy to stay on top of action items. Visibility helps create a more proactive board. Attach Tasks to Your Board Meeting When you assign and record tasks…


Your In-Person Board Meeting Toolkit

Effective collaboration is essential for achieving your mission. Our in-person board meeting toolkit will help you optimize your time before, during, and after meetings.


Five Ways to Make Your Digital Documents More Secure

Associations typically rely on digital documents, but an insecure document can create concerns from poor contract security to potential piracy. Here are tips from AssociationsNow on securing digital documents, which also features an interview with Boardable’s Jeff Middlesworth.



We believe in participation without limitations, so we provide customizable interface settings that support a variety of needs and preferences. How Boardable Enables Accessibility Accessible Boards Without Barriers Board management software that works for everyone.



Built on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Boardable utilizes AWS to store data. AWS provides a network architecture to protect information, identities, applications, and devices. In addition to AWS’ industry-recognized certifications and audits, Boardable customers benefit from our regional data hosting locations in the United States, Canada, or Europe. Compliant…

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